Thursday, June 18, 2009

Micro Hard Drives

One of the most beneficial gadgets to come along in the last several years is the usb hard drive. These miniaturized memory sticks that store data from computers and laptops have quickly replaced the older forms of portable data storage. When micro hard drives were first introduced they were limited in the usability by both cost and memory capacity. It didnt take long for modern electronic technology to not only expand their capabilities but reduce their size and cost at the same time. Today you will rarely find a student, IT professional or educator that doesn't take advantage of the convenient drag and drop characteristics of the modern micro hard drives. These mini usb devices now come in many colors, shapes and forms including pen drives, mini key chain hard drives, necklaces and belt buckles. Its amazing how we incorporate technology into our daily lives and take advantage of these very useful electronic gadgets.

Micro Flash hard drives come in a wide variety of sized usually ranging from 1 or 2 GB to as large as 150GB. This type of data storage capacity has made this electronic gadget far superior than cd's or dvd's for temporary data storage and transportation. As the products develope they will be come more and more reliable for peramnent repositories for backups of pc's and laptops.

Welcome To Electronic Gadgets For Geeks

Yes you guessed it I'm a bit of an information technology and electronics geek. I love watching the development and evolution of new electronic gadgets that hit the market on almost a daily basis. I will be using this site to review those gizmos, widgets and gadgets that have been created to entertain, enlighten and make our lives easier. I hope you find the information I provide about the various electronic and micro devices to be of value. Feel free to comment or ask questions about any product or topic I decide to cover.